by The Editor | Jan 16, 2017 | iPad, Latest News, Teaching and Learning
Thanks to the Digital Learning Team at The City of Edinburgh, I have been introduced to a great collaboration whiteboard app which can be used across the curriculum.
Baiboard 3, available for free on the app store, is designed to allow learners to ‘visualize, create and collaborate’ using tablet devices. Here is an example of a Baiboard I created today:
Once pupils have entered your ‘Meet’ code in the app, they will be able to contribute to questions posed by the teacher.
Other uses could be pupils photographing their work and sharing it on the Baiboard shown on the board with the rest of the class or as assessment tool when asking for pupil feedback,
by The Editor | Jan 10, 2017 | iPad, Latest News, Teaching and Learning
I found this table of Twitter. It’s a good resource if you are thinking about downloading new apps for Science, Technology, Expressive Arts and Maths. Most apps are free to download.
by The Editor | Jan 10, 2017 | iPad, Latest News, Teaching and Learning
Duck Duck Moose apps encourage children to explore and learn in a safe and fun environment. There are 22 educational apps available from the app store, free of charge, which enable children to consolidate their learning across the curriculum and develop their imagination and creativity.
Apps include number games which link well with SEAL, reading and word games, nursery rhyme apps and more. All apps are very user friendly and well suited to Early and First Level as well as children with additional support needs.
by The Editor | Nov 25, 2016 | iPad, Latest News, Teaching and Learning
This week we have been experimenting with Augmented Reality (AR) Apps that are free and brilliant!
Quiver – Let 3D augmented reality take your colouring to the next level…
Step 1: Print your colouring page from this link Colouring Packs
Step 2: Colour in your picture
Step 3: Bring it to life. Open the Quiver app and hold the camera over your colouring page and watch it come to life.
Here are some examples I did below:
HeartCam – An augmented reality heart viewer that creates the effect of seeing someone’s heart beating through a hole in their chest
Step 1: Print and attach this image to your chest
Step 2: Open the HeartCam app and point the camera to the image
Great to use for children learning about The Human Body. You also have the option to zoom in and out to look closer at different areas of the heart.
Anatomy 4D – An interactive 4D experience of human anatomy
Step 1: Print images of The Human Body and The Heart here
Step 2: Open Anatomy 4D app and point camera over one of the images
Step 3: Explore…
This app would be suitable for older pupils
Animal 4D+ – A new way of seeing animals in Augmented Reality giving you both interesting and informative facts about animals through A to Z
Step 1: Print out cards from here
Step 2: Open Animal 4D+ and point camera over selected image
Step 3: Learn and explore
Space 4D+ – Embark on a space exploration experience. A collection of 37 AR flashcards about space including the solar system, planets, space objects, satellites, rovers and space missions
Step 1: Print AR flashcards here
Step 2: Open Space 4D+ app and point camera over selected image
Step 3: Learn and explore
Octaland 4D+ – Flashcards include people, houses, vehicles and other AR magic!
Step 1: Print AR cards from here
Step 2: Open Octaland 4D+ app and point camera over selected image
Step 3: Learn and explore
by The Editor | Oct 5, 2016 | Coding, Coding Apps, iPad
Please see below a list of apps currently available free of charge for pupils to use on their iPad:
Scratch Jnr
LightBot On: Code Hour