0131 271 4900 | Learning Technology Team, Midlothian Council | learning.technology@mgfl.net

Augmented Reality

This week we have been experimenting with Augmented Reality (AR) Apps that are free and brilliant!


Quiver – Let 3D augmented reality take your colouring to the next level…

Step 1: Print your colouring page from this link Colouring Packs

Step 2: Colour in your picture

Step 3: Bring it to life. Open the Quiver app and hold the camera over your colouring page and watch it come to life.

Here are some examples I did below:











HeartCam – An augmented reality heart viewer that creates the effect of seeing someone’s heart beating through a hole in their chest

Step 1: Print and attach this image to your chest

Step 2: Open the HeartCam app and point the camera to the image


Great to use for children learning about The Human Body. You also have the option to zoom in and out to look closer at different areas of the heart.



Anatomy 4D – An interactive 4D experience of human anatomy 

Step 1: Print images of The Human Body and The Heart here

Step 2: Open Anatomy 4D app and point camera over one of the images

Step 3: Explore…

a4d heart4d

This app would be suitable for older pupils



Animal 4D+ – A new way of seeing animals in Augmented Reality giving you both interesting and informative facts about animals through A to Z

Step 1: Print out cards from here

Step 2: Open Animal 4D+ and point camera over selected image

Step 3: Learn and explore




Space 4D+ – Embark on a space exploration experience. A collection of 37 AR flashcards about space including the solar system, planets, space objects, satellites, rovers and space missions

Step 1: Print AR flashcards here

Step 2: Open Space 4D+ app and point camera over selected image

Step 3: Learn and explore




Octaland 4D+ – Flashcards include people, houses, vehicles and other AR magic!

Step 1: Print AR cards from here

Step 2: Open Octaland 4D+ app and point camera over selected image

Step 3: Learn and explore





What is Google Expeditions?

With a Virtual Reality (VR) viewer and Google Expeditions, pupils can go on school trips around the world from their classroom. Expeditions enables teachers to guide groups of pupils through a variety of 360° and 3D images while pointing out interesting sights and information along the way.

On the Expeditions app, available from the app store, there are opportunities to take children to the Great Barrier Reef, National Parks in America, San Diego Zoo, Everest, Shark Diving and beyond. The app is quick and easy to use and pupils can connect to a lesson from their VR device if they are using the same wifi network.


On the above expedition, the teacher is able to take children shark diving. Without any prior knowledge of sharks, the teacher is able to deliver information using prompts and information provided on the app. Pupils can be prompted to look at different areas of the 360° image and can follow arrows on their VR devices so that everyone can see the same thing.

In Midlothian, Strathesk PS invited Google Expeditions to their school. All staff received 15 minutes of training and then delivered expeditions to their classes with the support of Google staff. The photograph below shows a class of P7 visiting the moon.


Google Expeditions offer free visits to schools and staff training as well as bringing all of the kit. If interested in having this experience in your school please contact the Learning Technology Team for further information.


Lots of exciting work is taking place in Midlothian schools who are taking part in the mi:SPACE, Inspirational Learning Spaces project. Each of the 19 schools are designing their own learning space and are researching learning spaces around Edinburgh and beyond. To find out more information and to see some of the fantastic work  our pupils and teachers are doing, please visit the mi:SPACE blog and our mi:SPACE Glow video channel.

Barefoot Computing Programme

The Barefoot Computing Programme is now available in Scotland. This is a free programme, supported by Education Scotland, that provides a wealth of high quality, peer tested resources and lesson ideas aimed at supporting all primary teachers in Scotland.

Visit the Barefoot website to find out more about this exciting programme. You can also book free workshops or become a Barefoot Volunteer.

Glow Refresh CLPL

For staff interested in refreshing their understanding of Glow, please click here to sign up for training. This training will be done online using Adobe Connect so you will be able to do this from any computer/laptop. A link will be sent to your mgfl email address once you have registered so that you can access the course.



Glow Support

Glow Support

Glow have a useful YouTube channel which provides step by step guides on how to use different aspects of Glow in class. If you are interested, please access using the link below: